Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nice trick to decompile HTML Help (.chm) files

Well, I was searching for a chm decompiler just now, and I stumbled across this page in MSDN, which informed me that the viewer could do it, using a command like the following:
hh -decompile <hhw-project-dir>\ <help-file>.chm

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Suing to get murder conviction removed from wikipedia article? You think we'll let you get away with that, do you?

Hmm. I saw today in EFFector that someone thinks he can sue to get his name off a wikipedia page which (truthfully) names him as a perpetrator in a murder. As if we would let him get away with that! Without further ado, the Walter Sedlmayr article:

Monday, October 5, 2009

How to do Namespaces in JavaScript

I just found a nice suggestion about how to do namespacing in JavaScript. In case it goes down or something, this is the gist:

var DED = function() {
    var private_var;
    function private_method() {
        // do stuff here
    return {
        method_1 : function() {
            // do stuff here
        method_2 : function() {
            // do stuff here

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dr. Seuss on Parser Monads

A Parser for Things / is a function from Strings / to Lists of Pairs / of Things and Strings!
type Parser a = String -> [(a,String)]

A Parser for Things
is a function from Strings
to Lists of Pairs
of Things and Strings!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Can't Haskell

i kant haskell today / i has the dumb

Stolen from Lambdacats. [2014 Edit: That site has been down for quite some time; see Sean Leather's lambdacat shelter instead; sadly missing are the original headings, for which see the Wayback Machine.]